Saturday, May 28, 2011

X3me freemason

hahahaha.. look at our face.. :D 
berawal dari Hadisty Suci Miladry (ketua rusuh X3) iseng ngegambar lambang freemason di tangan dan akhirnya terjadilah kegilaan seperti ini :') 

Manda , Hadisty , Denanda , Rizkawl , Me , Nanda

Sunday, May 1, 2011

some part of my big family

 he is my cousin. now.. he was in boarding school at east java.
he is funny, kind, and also care..i only met him once AFTER 6 MONTHS!!! huh I really miss him
this photo taken by my young brotha farid darmawan in the ice world.

Hahahaha cute one :) she is really greedy~ huuu

he is my ygbrotha farid darmawan. haha I always got war with him. 
& sometimes ended up with me crying over that war huh-_________-
many people said that my brother really handsome and looks like justin bieber