Sunday, December 30, 2012


Do you realize there are times in life that we lost interests with something that we usually love or like doing it. We don't mean to be like that, but one thing to another, it just the way it is. 

For example, it's almost already new year, I remember how I was really into waiting it a few years before. Because new year only comes once a year and absolutely because in a count of days after new year I'll be another years older. (January, 5th, Hehehe Happy Birthday Jess.) I could go to the market and pick every fireworks and squib I like. Go around the city, visit my big family, blow a trumpet, burn the squib with my brother and sister and the most wonderful moment is watching fireworks on the night sky. I enjoy every moment all the way it goes. I used to stay up late against boring time and sleepy eyes just because I don't wanna miss new year's eve celebrations. But now I think I have lost my interest in it. Well, not all, just some part of it.
 Another example is aerobics, I usually did aerobics at leasts twice a month, hehe. Actually I learnt about aerobics when I was on my last year at elementary school but it has becomes my routines since junior high school years and I still love doin' it till my second year at senior high school I guess. To me, aerobics is not always about gymnastic movements but more about health. Aerobics is the only kind of sports that I can do every time I want and I have an aerobics dvd from my pal. After my second year at high school over, I lost my appetite in it. Besides that, an accident that broke my heart that day(about aerobics groups for aerobics practice) + my aerobics dvd wasn't able to used anymore makes this situations more bad. Bad, but still, when I see aerobics movements, I do still have the love for it, just not as big as before. Another kind of interest-losing, perhaps.

Well, it just two examples of what happening to me in the current of time. It makes me realize that we do relly lost interests for a few things in life. I lost my interests for almost all holidays. Yap I know holidays are time to relaxing our minds and body, but only if it filled by pleasing activity of course. And the fact, as I grow up, my holidays kebanyakan boringnya, mpas!. Remember when we were little, we're eager and got very enthusiast about it. How about now? Not really into it? We don't feel those holiday spirit, do we? Is it because all the routinity so- called socializing, or work? Is it normal because we're growing up? Or are those things are just not really interesting anymore?
Well again, some people find new things that interests their life. And that's good, lose some and get some. But most important of all, we are the one who choose to lose interests in all of 'em. We got bored of all those things we used to love. We always find reason to leave them behind. From small reasons to the big ones. And sometimes I kinda missing all those things.

  • I never lost interest in swimming.
  • I never lost interest of travelling. I hope someday I could go to the top of a mountain, again.
  • I never lost interest in knowing something new.
  • I never lost interest of kepo-ing all about "Him"
"No one could loses anything because no one really owns anything."

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Awalnya dari aku.

Payah. Ini baru awal dan ini pertempuran pertamaku. Aku sudah kalah dan semakin menjadi pecundang. Bukan terhadap lawanku di sana tetapi lebih kepada diriku sendiri. Semua karena emosi yang berlebihan dan seharusnya tidak perlu. Sekarang, hal yang harus bisa kulakukan adalah belajar menerima dan melepaskan segalanya dengan sepenuh hati. Bahkan ketika aku menganggap diriku ini lemah, payah dan tak lebih dari seorang pecundang, adakah teman yang bisa membuatku kembali tersenyum, berdiri dan membenarkan keslahanku? Mengajari aku bagaimana cara untuk menjadi seorang yang tegar dan ikhlas?

I do really need a hug right now. A huge, long, tight and a warm one :(

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


I am home, just now. And I hate hating this hate feeling. I don't want to pour my heart with bad feelings and other negative things. I do want to throw every lil bad in me. This situation keeps pressing me. No one cares about what grows inside me. I am fed-up. If only I could go to somewhere :(
That guy on GO, is so disgusting as always, and today he is thousand times more disgusting than usually. I was doing my test, and I hate it when he take a sit right besides me and keep disturbing me by trying to make convo with me. He keeps talking with iewh voice. Crap! Why must me? Why don't he sit on another chairs. so many empty chairs in that class. Bad luck.
When I got home, I feel like want to explode. My mom told me about where the college that inevitably I couldn't say no. I am sick. Conversation about college always end up with my heart tore.
All I just wanna say is I hate my day. My day just lil by lil becomes worse and worse and I don't know whether it will stops either at worst point or better point.

No handphone, still.

It’s been a year, without handphone. After December, 2011, I lost my phone. My 3rd. Sometimes, I hate myself and don’t get why I could be this clumsy. 2012 already almost touch the finish line. A year, and I haven’t had new phone yet. Huh yasudahlah. Ikhlas sajalah.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Let it be,

"He's just too kind, even more than you know. Perhaps Allah wants him to be with a gooood girl, and now I'm still not good enough for him, so here I am holding a jar of hopes. If he likes another girl, maybe it's called karma. Suck, it really hurts but I deserve it. I had done very bad things to him, even hurt that I feel right now means nothing."

Sunday, September 23, 2012


Kerja kelompok yang berlih fungsi jadi acara narsis. Selalu. Ini serius, Kimia tentang sel volta dan kerabatnya itu, belom sama sekali dipelajarin dan mencoba melajarin sendiri itu berujung ke jalan buntu. Untung saja punya teman satu kelompok yang ngerti ya :')
Oh iya.. rambut gue baru. Bosan dengan rambut lama. dan ini foto pertama dengan rambut bru :-D

Saturday, September 22, 2012

These are hard times for dreamer

Motivation is the most important thing needed rightnow. Dreams oh dreams. Too many dreams I want to hold. But we all are know its not as easy a it said. Butuh kerja keras tingkat tekanan dasar laut terdalam untuk bisa ada di titik itu. Berapa ratus juta orang di Indonesia yang lagi ada di posisi gue?  Berapa ratus juta orang yang akan jadi saingan gue? Gue gak mau cuma bilang WOW tapi ngilangin patogen yang menimbulkan laziness itu susah bro. Jadi sekarang melaksanakan things to do list itu harus jadi prioritas nanti dreams bakal jadi award-nya insyaAllah. Gue gak mau cuma jadi dreamer. Setidaknya, sukses di futurelife cukuplah. Lagipula ada hal lain disamping sekedar jadi dream catcher yang nyemangatin gue, semoga benar semua mimpi itu :')

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Note: Things to do ✓

♣  Get closer to Allah.
  More thankful.
  Striving for good mark.
  Remove game online addiction syndrome.
♣  Manage feelings

Thursday, August 23, 2012

I Hate Indonesian Police

My mom is about to buy pulse at pulse counter when a woman next to her looks so confused and on hurry. That women buys 5 electric of pulses, 100thousand rupiah for each pulse. Then she received a call and looks so panic while she answer questions from someone trough the phone. Curiousity grows in my mom mind, my mom asks that woman..
Mom : "Banyak amat bu beli pulsanya?"
Woman : "Iya bu, adik saya abis nabrak orang, pedahal udah ngebiayain biaya pengobatan orang yang ditabrak, tapi adik saya ditahan terus polisinya minta dibeliin pulsa seratus ribu, mana 5 orang polisinya"
Tragis nasib ibu itu. Brengsek polisi itu.

Monday, August 13, 2012

#2nd #Vacation Pari Island :)

Lanjutan post tentang liburan kemarin nih. Dari pulau entah apa itu namanya yang banyak bintang lautnya, langsung balik ke pulau pari. Berhubung lagi di daerah wisata laut dan pantai, gak lengkap banget kalau ga nyobain Banana Boat.
due to pics above, jadi kangen pake banget. Dan yang pasti ketagihan :''
Sehbis Banana Boating, istirahat sampai malam dan malam hari main ke Pantai Perawan naik sepeda untuk makan ikan bakar. Pantai perawan itu ah such a beautiful beach banget lah. Suasana pantai malam hari. Angin pantai. Suara deburan ombak. Gak perlu jauh-jauh cari pemandangan indah, di deket kota metropolitan jakarta aja masih ada kok yang secantik ini:
pic above gue ambil dari google, tapi emang bener view pantai perawan dari tugu pintu masuk pantai emang kaya gini. Pasirnya parah putih lembut tingkat super, asri, dan putih. Ini view dari tugu pintu masuk, dan kalo ke bibir pantai... Hamparan hutan mangrove hijau dengan air dangkal tanpa ombak di pagi dan siang hari itu makin bikin pulau ini cantik.
ini dia view dari bibir pantai. kangen.
Besoknya, July 15th. Gagal nikmatin matahari terbit karena cuaca berawan, dan pagi jam 9 naik sepeda lagi ke pantai perawan untuk nanam pohon mangrove. 
such a nice trip with my family.

Itu yang baju putih paling pinggir tour guidnya loh, dia baik, ramah. namanya Eddie.
Dan yang pasti, naik sampan, menjelajah hutan mangrove itu menyenangkan:)
Mangrove, yang banyak banget ngasih benefits buat manusia ternyata bisa tumbuh lebat besar itu selama 30 tahunan. Waktu yang lama banget. Air disana jernih banget, banyak anak ikan kecil kecil berbagai bentuk yang biasa gue liat di tv sampai kepiting dan bintang laut keliatan. Subhanallah banget ciptaan Allah:')

180 degrees?

Gue gak sengaja buka folder foto milik ade gue di laptop, and I found this! OH MY.. beda banget gak sih kecilnya..........

Friday, July 20, 2012

#1st #Vacation Pari Island :)

July 14-15th, 2012. Saturday-Sunday, I spent last day of holidays with my big fam at Pari Island. Pulau terluas kedua setelah pulau Tidung di Kepulauan Pulau Seribu. I got lot of fun there. Have seen what I've never seen before. Enjoy the sea waves. Naik kapal, for the first time.
I went to my auntie house on friday night with my mom, my lil sister, Cindy Triana, and my lil bro, Farid Darmawan cause I gotta go to harbor Muara Angke on Saturday Morning and we have to got there at 6am. My dad didn't go with us bcs he said that it's Saturday, and his business would be crowd & busy so he didn't want to waste it. Yasudahlah, kalo kata mom Susan, "Papa kamu itu orang cina, dia jiwanya jiwa usaha. Dia gaseneng jadi pegawai, digaji, diatur2. Biarin ajalah". Tapi kalau difikir-fikir. It such a waste of money, cus my dad has been paid to take the vacation with us. We used the services of "Paradisonesia" travel. Cukup memuaskan :D
When we got there, at the Dock of Pari Island, our eyes immadiatelly spoiled by the beauty of Pari Island. I really love the view! Cool:'' Jarang-jarang kan mata disuguhin pemandangan laut asri, pantai putih. Pulau Pari masih asri banget belum terlalu rame. Double WOW. itu dia pemandangan yg bisa diabadikan lewat foto dari dermaga Pulau Pari. Look at the photo above :)

Dari sana, we walked to the homestay. Gak jauh Alhamdulillah. The travel provided two homestays for us. Lingkungan yang masih bersih, Rumah warga yang nyaman. Suasana perkampungan. Alhamdulillah bikin betah. Here are homestays where we live temporary at there :D

Entah ini karena jiwa muda atau jiwa kenarsisan, langsung saja setelah beres-beres barang-barang bawaan, we both immadiately took pictures. Sebetulnya ada banyak sih tapi nih di share lah beberapa ;>
After we got lunch at 12. we prepared and got ready for snorkeling. Yoiiiii. Ditengah laut luas coooy!
Dari snorkeling. Kami semua menuju sebuah pulau entah apa itu namanya, yang jelas keren banyak bintang lautnya. Starfish! dan melihat starfish membalikan badannya sendiri kalau ditaro terbalik dalam air itu keren!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Farewell. Night. Bye.

Tanggal berapa sekarang? Hari apa sekarang? Penyakit liburan. Tahun Ajaran Baru sudah di depan mata bung. Oke bukan bahas itu. Week ago, July 6th. Daftar ulang dan malemnya XI sci 3 ngadain farewell gitu, perpisahan kelas XI, sekaligus perpisahan wali kelas, sekaligus ngabisin uang kas, biarpun pada akhirnya uangkas tetep bersisa 700rb, kelas kaya maklum ajalah, wkwk :') Now, I feel like share our photos:* watch dowwwwn.......
It's me and my chairmate, Denanda. Dia masih jomblo dan gak tau sampe kapan akan terus menjombo :''
Denanda itu adalah bos ketring perpisahan, tanpa dia kita semua gak akan makan.
Sambutan dari ibu wali kelas XIsci3 dan ketua kelas kurang bahkan gak bertanggung jawab kelas XIsci3
Pengambilan makanan :9
XIISCI3. We're all going to the bright future guys. Amin.

Thank God, ada mereka O:>

Terimakasih untuk kalian yang sudah meremehkan.
Tanpa kalian motivasi ini gak akan ada :)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

new post after looooong time.

O O ASTAGA. Udah berapa lama gue gak ngepost. Lama banget. Mungkin.. Mungkin aja ada pengunjung setia blog gue yg kecewa gak ada newest post di blog gue ini. Yaudah jadi intinya sekarang setelah sekian lama, modem gue baru di isi pulsa lagi, dan gue baru bisa online via web lagi sekarang. Too many story that I wanna tell. mungkin gak penting sih buat readers blog ini, tapi ya this is my online diary jadi ya karena ini gue publikasikan equals hal2 yg di publish disini bukan privacy. Like usual, check this point out.
#1st Randomly, gue keki. 
Keinget ada orang sensi sama gue gara-gara gue bilang "Bukannya sok pinter atau gimana tapi serius grammar lo itu salah tau" eh dia sewot, jawab "Yaelah emang kalo bahasa inggris itu harus bener-bener ikutin aturannya. He probably don't understand. Jadi percuma lah argue sama dia-_- lagian masa I am feel very hungry, I want to eaten all the food. -______-
#2nd Thank Allah. Naik ke kelas 12 IPA 3 
dengan semua nilai naik dan peringkat naik sudah cukup menyenangkan. tinggal saatnya study hard, work hard. tantangan lebih sulit sudah di depan mata. semoga pencapaian luar biasa bisa diraih nantinya. Amin ya Allah.
#3rd Siapa sih yang gatau kalo giue itu super teledor. 
Dari dulu aja gue selalu kehilangan barang-barang dari yg berharga banget sampe yang biasa aja, dari yang cukup besar sampe yang kecil banget. Pokoknya kalau udah ada di tangan gue, dan lengah dikit pasti ilang. Dan once more, gue kehilangan satu lagi hal penting dan berharga. Di Maliboro, Dompet dan ada uangnya. nyesek banget :(
Sebetulnya banyak banget cerita... tapi gue males karena kebanyakan :p segitu ajadeh.

Sunday, May 20, 2012


what a fun day. another family gathering on another month. just did healthy activity with my aunts and my cousin. my uncle, sheptyn's daddy, tutored us how to play volley ball at my aunt's at Alam Sutera and it burned more calories I think. kinda good, mengingat bahwa 4 hari libur MJOM "Makan Jalan Olahraga Mandet"
Dimsum is one of my fav foods, now. mirip siomay tapi lebih enak :9 semoga di curug segera muncul keberadaan dimsum yang enak itu. amin.

Sunday, May 6, 2012


being in fight with you is one of things that makes me feel crap rightnow. keep silent of each other. stop communication while deep inside I am madly missing you. today, I still cant remove this crap feeling eventho' I've had tons of fun with my old friends. you should've known that you are the only drug of all the mess in me. I can't stand this damnass problem any longer, get me the hell out of this!

Age Rian Utomo.

Kadangan manusia yang satu ini pinter bikin cenat cenut........... Hape gak ada, komunikasi jarang-jarang. yah gak apalah chat facebook jadi perantara~

photo of us.

It was my first time, spent my time till 6pm at school. worked hard to finish all the things we should've done for kartini kartono event. bullboard, recycled. and worked all day long certainly made me feel so tired. and I did many random thing with some of my classmates to refresh us. this is some random photo of us.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

ily has big meaning.

I love you, means that I accept you for who you are. It means that I don't expect you to be perfect.
It means that I'll stand beside you through whatever you encounter, even if it threatens my life as well. It means if you're ever in a bad mood, I will do anything to make it better. It means that you can tell me whatever it's on your mind, your deepest and darkest secrets -secrets you've never told anyone-.
It means that you can trust me, and know that I'd never hurt you on purpose. It means that through all our fights and disagreements, we'll make it through, and we'll be stronger because of it. 

Friday, April 27, 2012

Kotor iiiiii Kotor.

Age Rian Utomo, might ur 17 was ur sweetest birthday ever. Iseng edit foto jadilah seperti ini hasilnya.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

To Reach You.

If I could touch you, and hold you in my arms
For one more time
To have just one more chance to love you
If it were my way
I never even would have let you go

Cayo! Reach For The Sky!

Tue, 4/17/2012. today, second day, selamat berjuang untuk para senior yang mau-tidakmau siap-tidaksiap harus fighting, face out da national-exams. and me? as a junior, 11grade hanya mampu mengirimi doa:'' Cayooooo..... Celamat berjuang kaka kaka :*
tidak terasa bung, tahun depan ujian nasional gantian. menunggu, perang! apa daya meski masih lama, rasa takut sudah menghantui. apalagi......PTN??!! Gosh, for da 2nd time, I feel so nerveos and afraid to face an entrance qualification. masih lama sih tapi kalau gak diperhitungkan jauh-jauh hari bisa meninggal di dekat-dekat hari (apasih-_-) tapi ini serius huh. gotta prepare myself!
kalo lagi begini lirik lagu yang pas ya Reach For The Sky by Sarah Geronimo

"Reach for the sky
Dream and aim high
I won’t anybody turn my spirit down
Whatever it takes
I’ll stand on my faith
I’ll never stop until i reach the sky
I know my dreams will happen, i can fly
I’ll reach for the sky"

Sunday, March 18, 2012

to make our plan perfect.

last tuesday, I and some of my classmates went to the beach, anyer. we were looking for any homestay.
homestay? as we know, next week 8 senior high school will be off due to schoolexam week for grade 12. to fill the off day, XIscience3 hardly wanna have some trip, and anyer was our choice. so we surveying + looking for any homestay for our trip next week. and we decided that we will have a trip on march 27-29 \( ',' )/ 3 hari 2 malam coy!
can't wait.......... bermalam di tempat yang nyaman entah villa apapun itu namanya yang jelas nyaman super ditambah anak anak crowd3d. uhuhu here some photos at villa apapun itu namanya:

Friday, March 16, 2012


had a crazy day with my crazy cousin and aunt. botching our face front of web-cam just for fun, huahaha and it worked. can't stop hurting our stomach by laugh_-_

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Sugar17. 4Agru.

Happy Birthday, Ge!
March 11, 2012. was your first day of another 365days journey around your 17 
Happy.. Happy birthday to you my precious sweetheart-darling-honey-chocochip-poml-jebew, Age Rian Utomo. Love you♥ youre getting older, hope u will stay the same. thankyou for the countless ways you show your love for me, the priceless things youve given me, and also the way you can make me laugh and feel loved like no one else!
smiles and laughter, joy and cheer, new happiness that stays throughout the year 

Family Gathering.


long time no see their komuk made me missing em' so bad. beruntung kali ini family gathering dalam rangka arisan diadakan dirumah gue. makanan enak pun tersedia dari pagi. yang spesial di famgath kali ini, semuanya lengkap bruh. ya..rumah gue pun crowded. kebanyakan anak curut-_- but, sucha special moment for me ;;)
karena kebanyakan curut, gue gak bisa menyatukan fikiran. untung ada tante pipit, 21th & sheptyn, 1SMP

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Fun Weekend :3

Had so much Fun with XI Science 3.
its our first time, spent our weekend together, even not all of us joined. love, fun, and togertherness atmosphere covered us. huahaha words "Sience3 goes to sms" always runin on my head when I remember this moment and always succesfully made me lol. ini si uda udah paling gendut tapi selalu muncul paling depan di setiap foto-___- #Science3 #SMAN8TANGERANG

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Not Over You.

I, I'm a boomerang.
Doesn't matter how you throw me
I turn around and I'm back in the game
even better than the old me

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Hello Saturday.

#today. I started school with weirdos eyes, causes by WALK2REMEMBER movie. what a sweet touchy romance film ever. oke lebsky. I spent my night watching it until 11pm and I couldnt stand. tears overflow my face while sweet & touchy scenes came to the screen. how sloppy!
# 11February4Dv.happy birthday div selamat 16 tahun. salam34!
#RISJUN:* ure totally unlucky. laptop gue magically connected to network pas lo pulang dari rumah gue. biarpun begitu bersyukurlah, karena hujan dari sore sampai malam ini membuat kita lebih lama bersama. "satu kalimat untuk lo jun, cinta memang rumit bro, kalem aja."
#AGRU. u have to know, how serious this feeling grows and killed my past. it hella hurts when you do none of effort to get urself out from ur own fears. and u let urself drowned into the past. I just wanna walkin towards our future together but it will be so damn difficult to pass if you still thinking about our past. :( lofu

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Ja. Nu. A. Ry.

HELLO BLOGAH! long time I didn't check u. btw.. I just spent my time front of my lovely laptop, surfing interesting sites then peeking on you. today's January 31, 2012. so many things I couldn't tell to people around but too unmild if I save it by myself. well, I decided to throw those things away on u bloga!

#1st having new year eve with my big family. watching coloured & smoky sky by the fireworks, was so damn cool nah.

#2nd I'd like to say 'Bye January 2012' you gave me real 16. I love 5th January. and the happiest things on this month is I have my jebew. lofu ge. and also my dumblxs and 34! LOVUALLGUYS
this is what 34&FRIENDS has done to my motorcycle at school:''

#3rd H** ever had a problem with her boyfie (now, her ex), at that time, her boyfie leave her alone while he plays game, he didn't even try to call her, all day long, he forgot about his girl, game dominating his minds.  mungkin terdengar lebay tapi ya begitulah kurang lebih. ini juga yang gue rasain walau beda tapi mirip. doi lupa sama gue karna main game walau gak nyampe seharian aja itu pedih sob rasanya.. sekarang gue ngerti. pantes waktu itu H** galau, pantes....

it just a little bout how awesome January 2012 was 4me!